Friday, September 17, 2010

Rich White Girl- Oh you mean me??

Unlike the title suggests, I totally am NOT the rich, white girl. Sometimes the hardest part about living in another culture is living with the ideas of what other people assume about you. Living in a city that has very few foreigners sometimes has it disadvantages. My neighbours, especially in my old neighbourhood, always called me the rich, white girl. They have this mentality that all foreigners are rich. They would come to my door begging for food, clothes, shoes, diapers, money. You name it, and they ask for it.Many, many times I would give them something but many other times I would say no. I used to hide my grocery bags as I was walking to my house so that they couldn't see what I bought or they would ask for it all. It was so very hard for me to accept that title because for me, I didn't see it. If I lived in Canada, making the amount of money each month that I now receive, I would be well below the poverty line. But yet, here, in Mexico...I am "rich". I've now come to terms with the fact...and really, I am so very rich. I may not have a lot of money according to North American standards, but I have so much more. So.much.more. I have a Heavenly Father who loves me to pieces, despite all my faults, and He calls me His daughter. I have family and friends all over the world who love and support me & my ministry. And I have many "foster" kids here in Mexico. I am so blessed. I have a cute, little house, I have plenty of food to eat, I have lots of nice clothes. I have been blessed with so much and with this I can bless others. My prayer is that this blog will be a reflection of me, who I am becoming, and also an encouragement and a blessing to others.